Commercial Asset Preservation (CAP) offers in-person oversight and maintenance of closed/dark commercial properties nationwide

Commercial Asset Preservation (CAP) specializes in closed/dark property oversight, repair, and maintenance. Only CAP has the national network, experience, and detailed closed property reports to conduct recurring visual property inspections.

Reference this recent article:Chain Store Age: Sephora, Cole Hann, TD Bank on best practices for maintaining dark stores

Our experts look for evidence of vandalism, security concerns, and life safety issues. Commercial Asset Preservation is an experienced provider offering its services throughout the United States at thousands of commercial properties for banks, retailers, REIT’s, and receivers.



CAP’s commercial general contractor network not only identifies issues of concern but also can perform emergency repairs without delay. Rest easier knowing that you have someone checking on your buildings and protecting them when they are most vulnerable.

As your portfolio of distressed and vacant properties grows, CAP’s services can reduce your overhead and personnel costs, contact CAP (216) 765-1220 or